Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Someone Has to Rewrite My Evaluation on Day 37...

My mentor teacher ended up meeting with my administrator on Monday.  She then came and found me in class to tell me, "Uhh... Anonymous... he really does not get our model of special education."  So then she brought up the idea to ask the ninth grade administrator to become my administrator to do my observations since she totally gets it.  Unfortunately, the ninth grade administrator (although she really seemed to want to) told us she couldn't because if she did it for me, she'd have to do it for everyone.

Sooooo... to make a long story short, the ninth grade administrator understands and supports my role, we found out that the building principal understands and supports my role, as well as the higher ups over at central office.  So do you know what that means?  That means that the only person in this entire district who does not support my role, also happens to be my administrator.  Lucky me, huh?

Well fortunately for me, and unfortunately for him, he has to rewrite my entire evaluation report and pretend to support my role since it is, as I've already described, approved by administration and the state!

So remember what I said, all you Newbies out there!  Don't let just one person bring you down, because I can guarantee there is a large group of people who fully support what you do!  Including me!!!

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